I just started using GB and initially set up my envelopes to fill with estimated expenditures in each category. Some expenditures went up for 2025 (HELLO!) so I need adjust my budget. I see that I can just add more to the envelopes or transfer from other envelopes with excess funds, but it still shows the originally budgeted amount. What am I missing? TIA
You’ll just want to click the “Add/Edit” button at the top right side of the Envelopes window, and you can change the budgeted amounts there. In iOS the Edit button is at the top left, and I’m not sure about Android but I’m sure it’s similar.
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That is what I tried, but I only changed the dollar amount then saved, but it didn’t update. This time I hit the “edit” button for each appropriate envelope, then changed the dollar amount and saved. It worked! I am using an iMac desktop. I feel a bit silly, but glad I asked. Thank you.