Travel Expenses - how to categorize?

Do any of you have any tricks for logging your travel expenses?

Before I upgraded to pro, I had one catch-all envelope for travel. Currently, I have travel envelopes for airfare, hotel, other transport, and miscellaneous travel. I just added another travel envelope for food and drink to separate that spending from my general envelopes. Do you think this sounds like a good idea? I have a problem overspending on food and drinks when I’m traveling so I’m hoping this way I can get a clearer picture.

I’m also thinking of instead making a separate envelope for each trip so I can easily see how much each trip cost in total. Does anyone do it this way?

In case anyone is interested, I just did a little googling and found that by giving each trip its own hashtag, I’ll be able to easily see what I spent total.

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Thanks for posting! I have a general Travel Envelope that I use to put all of my travel-related expenses in. Sometimes I also use tags so that I can break down my spending per trip with the Spending by Envelope report.