Hi @kobieee01 – Sorry for the confusion! The ‘All Envelopes’ figure at the top of your Envelopes tab on the iPhone app used to include your Available balance. As a result, that number would match the ‘Total’ that you saw on the web. We separated out the Available balance from that figure in an update last year, I believe. I think this is probably what you remember, since there has never been a ‘Total’ on the Accounts tab.
To clarify, the ‘All Envelopes’ figure is based on what you have available in your Checking, Savings and Cash Accounts minus your CC and Debt Accounts.
Thanks for this. So, going forward, I would now look into my “All Envelopes” + “Available” for the total of my accounts less CC and debt accounts? Is this correct?
Cause I can remember seeing a view like this (since I frequently check it) with the total of my Checking, Savings, and Cash accounts minus my CC and debt accounts on my iOS app.