Support for commas

Has there ever been any discussion regarding adding support for commas in currency fields for Goodbudget?

Transactions, statement balance for account reconciliation, etc.

Are you talking about using commas to mark large numbers (like in “1,000.00”) or using commas to mark decimal amounts (like in “54,56”)?

The former is not something we currently have planned at this time, but the latter should be available as an option on our mobile platforms. On Android, there’s a setting for it, and on iPhone it’s chosen by your phone’s Region setting.

I was referring to large numbers. When copying amounts and entering transactions into Goodbudget, commas on large numbers have to be manually removed. Not a huge deal, but the ability to accept commas would be an improvement to the workflow.

If you’re entering a large number of transactions, I believe you could convert them in a spreadsheet and then import them. Probably more trouble than it’s worth for a few transactions, but if you’re doing a big import I’d think that might help.
Just a thought?

That is a good idea. For me it’s usually just copying and pasting totals or a few transaction amounts from PDF bank statements. Having to always manually take out the comma to get Goodbudget to accept it is just a bit inconvenient.