I’m a bit confused. I synced my account to my bank accounts and the balances aren’t close to lining up. I did delete credit card transfer transactions on both ends thinking the total of the account balance would sync from the account regardless. I don’t think that’s the case.
Goodbudget syncs your bank balance only once at the time you create your bank connection. So if you delete transactions after creating your bank connections and linking your accounts, then your balances would be off.
To clarify, Goodbudget does not continually sync your bank balance. Your Account balance in Goodbudget only changes when transactions automatically sync down (or when you manually record them).
If your balances are incorrect now, update your ‘Current Balance’ to make them match. So long as your transaction data is correct going forward, your GB Account balances should match what you’ve got in real life.
As it turns out, once I understood that the account balances only sync once when they are first connected, I went through and “reconciled” all my accounts transaction by transaction and that solved the problem. In the future, i’m going to reconcile my accounts at the end of each week to keep it manageable.
It did seem that there was glitch when I manually changed the balances before trying the reconciling which was weird.