Previous Checking Account Updates Messing up Reconciliation

I previously updated my checking account balances when I was unable to reconcile. Now these updates are coming into the new reconciliation (even though they are out of the date range of the current reconciliation). I’ve uploaded a photo that shows the two transactions. What I don’t understand is why these previous updates (dated in October) are showing up. They will not allow me to reconcile the December statement.

Did you clear them? They’ll need to be cleared in order for everything to align, and it may even need another “tweak” if there were any transactions unaccounted for when the edits were made. What crazy person told you to edit your balances? :wink:
(Me. It was me.)

Hi there – Sorry for the trouble! Any unreconciled transactions will continue to appear on future reconciles until they get marked as reconciled.

These Account Adjustments likely should have been reconciled when your did your October bank statement. But they shouldn’t block you from reconciling your December statement, so long as your Dec data is correct.

However, if you want to reconcile these items, you can do so by adjusting your Previous Balance on the Account Reconciliation screen by the amount of these two adjustments.