Need Help with Available Balance and Envelopes

Hello: I am giving Good budget another try and am as lost as ever. Here is what I have done to so far:

  1. I was way behind on transactions so I caught up 4 months worth. I know I didn’t have to do this but it is important for me to have my transaction history. So far tracking transactions is the only benefit I have been able to gain from using the app.
  2. I went to the “Getting Back on Track” post and reset my envelopes.
  3. I updated the account balances per the instructions in the post. However, available balance is very high and doesn’t match account balances (just sent a request to priority support on this).
  4. All of the envelopes are now in the red I suspect because of the past transaction history.
    Summary: I need help getting the available to actual available and not the inflated number. I need help getting my envelopes to show what I have available to spend. They are currently all in the red.

This may be fairly simple—start by doing a single “Fill from Available” transaction and instruct every envelope to “Set to 0”. This will take all your envelopes out of the red and should make the available balance match what’s in your accounts. At that point you’ll be able to see how much you do have, and can distribute it among the envelopes as you see fit.
Hope that helps!

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Thank you Karisa and Tiffany. That Fill from Available transaction that Tiffany described worked.

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