Is it possible to create a sub group?

Good afternoon

Is it possible to create a sub-group? For example all my communications come on one bill; and my propane has two components: tank rental and gas consumption. So I would like to have a group for Utilities in which I have Communications and Propane but I would further like to breakdown each bill into parts.

So like

  • Utilities: Communications: Phone
  • Utilities: Communications: Internet
  • Utilities: Communications: Mobile 1
  • Utilities: Communications: Mobile 2


  • Utilities: Propane: Tank Rental
  • Utilities: Propane: Gas Consumption

Is that possible?

There are things in my budget too, where I pay one bill but internally it breaks down - like school expenses for my children and other things for the house.


Hi @schultzter,

Thanks for posting! It is possible to create sub-groups with Goodbudget. We call them Envelope Groups, and you can see how to make them here.

Hope that helps!

It appears @schultzter is looking for a third level of sub-groups. If so, this isn’t possible. In your case you can create envelopes such as:
Utilities: Communications - Phone
Utilities: Communications - Internet

You can split an expense into multiple envelopes by selecting “split into multiple” when you’re in the envelope drop-down.

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