Imported bank files not showing


I’ve just started using Goodbudget, so it’s probably something simple, but I’ve imported an OFX and CSV file from my bank, and everything seems to go fine, with all the transactions showing on the left of the screen once imported, and a successful Save Changes, but when I go to my accounts and look, no transactions have been added, there is still a 0.00 balance. Where have they gone?


John Clokie

If you have entered transactions manually, the import will attempt to match the bank transactions from the file to the GB trasnactions you entered. If you have not entered any transactions, you have to tell GB which envelope to associate each imported transaction to. You can drag/drop each imported transaction that is not matched to an entered transaction onto one of the envelope icons at the bottom of the screen. Then when you click Save Changes it will add those transactions to your ledger.

You just need to confirm them into the account. The transactions on the left are directly from the bank, but they won’t be imported until you pull them into an envelope along the bottom to allocate them. (If you want to use different envelopes or change the details, choose the Other Envelope option) If you have entered transactions already they will attempt to be matched, and if they aren’t automatically matched you can drag them across to the corresponding transaction.
Hope that helps!

Great, thanks for the replies! I’ll give it a shot :grinning: