I’ve been a GB user since '16. Just in the past couple of weeks, I upgraded to Premium for the bank-sync feature. I’m completely relearning how to use envelopes and payments, and recording of expenses.
I have a Credit Card Account that is linked. It auto brings in transactions which I have to confirm. It does not require an envelope. I have 2 scenarios - one income/transfer and one expense - I am completely perplexed as to how to record.
My spouse and I bought airline tickets this week for which he transferred his 1/2 into our joint account. It is recorded as income and an envelope is filled. I then paid the CC (at the CC web site) the amount he transferred.
I believe I understand now that the CC Pmt is simply an account transfer rather an a negative expense transaction. HOW do I reduce the envelope to which the transfer was initially credited?
Envelope expense via Credit Card
I really think i SHOULD know this but my mind can’t figure it out.
I had a credit card transaction that I want to record as an envelope expense this week. $219. I’ll pay the credit card shortly also. The bank-sync feature brought this transaction into the CC account without an envelope.
Creating an Expense transaction, I cannot choose the credit card account.
How do I record this type of transaction?