Bank Sync for Australia

Can you confirm if Good Budget Premium Bank Sync feature works with Australian banks? I’m in Australia, and my bank implemented the Australian Government’s “Open Banking” specification, so I know programmatic access is available on the bank side. What I’m not clear on is whether Good Budget and Plaid integrate with this.

Can you clarify? Thanks


Thanks for your post! Our Bank Sync features are only compatible with US-based banks right now.

Thanks Karisa, Just letting you know that I have created an account just to make this comment. I found your app this morning and it is exactly what I’ve been looking for, for years. I have been through your introductory videos and was just about to begin the courses when I realised that Plaid don’t do Australian banks. My 4 kids have recently reached adulthood (2 married) and I know that you would have had at least 3 new premium users inside a week if Plaid worked with Australian banks.

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Thanks Karisa, It’s also worth noting that as a costumer of 10+ years from Canada I would love to have the bank sync feature. I would automatically switch to Premium if it was available.
Have a great day!

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Thanks for your reply! Can you let us know which Canadian banks you’d like to link? We’re keeping track of requests internally in case we decide to implement a second financial aggregator for more institution coverage.

Hi @welldunn – Thanks for your reply! Can you let us know which Australian banks you’d like to link? I’ll add them to our internal tracker.

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TD Bank, a.k.a TD Canada Trust
I know they have a division down in the U.S. so I am hoping that it would be easy for you to work with them in Canada as well.

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@welldunn did you manage to get them to link to your bank? I would like them to add Commonwealth Bank of Australia

@karisa can you also add Bendigo Bank to the list of Aussie banks please

@Emma_Jarvis You got it!

One more here. 3 pro accounts in this family if you did openbanking in Australia. Macquarie bank

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Hi Karisa!

Another member from Australia here. Would switch to Premium if you also included Westpac bank.

Thank you!
