Available balance incorrect

I can’t figure out why my available balance is wrong. Everything was fine, but seemingly overnight it has gone to a negative number.

Hoping someone can help me out with this

Your Available changes when you add or spend money from an account, fill envelopes, add new accounts, or edit account balances. Have any of those impacted you lately? Perhaps you imported transactions that caused your account balance to fall below what you had recorded?
If your account balances are accurate, the only way to remedy a negative Available is to transfer money from your envelopes back to Available until everything is in the green.

I’ve been using the app for years and I’m quite familiar with how it works by now. I think there is a glitch happening, almost certainly. The balance of my checking, savings and cash accounts is greater than the balance of all my envelopes (by about $200), but it’s still showing -$2900 for some reason. This happened all of a sudden.

Yes I just checked to see if my envelope and account balance are equal and my Envelopes and Account balances are different by $600.

Yeah. I feel like there’s definitely something wrong. Hopefully it’s fixed soon

Mine’s all checking out good.

Yeah, my available literally says there’s like negative $2900 available. Support isn’t getting back to me either.

Hi there – We got your email and just replied! Thanks for your patience.

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