Attach pictures of receipts

Good afternoon,

Some budget platforms have the functionality of attaching receipts to transactions. Does Goodbudget have this capability? Is it in development? If not can it be put into development?

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Hi lotus,

Thanks for posting! Goodbudget does not have the ability to attach receipts to transactions, and that’s not currently something we’re working on. You can see what we are working on on our Roadmap.

You’re welcome to make a formal feature request, and you can see how to do that here.

Thanks again,

Thank you for your response. I will look into requesting that feature.

It’s been a while, but here we are at tax time and I’m wishing for the same thing. I put in (another?) request today, but in the meantime I think I’ll use a terrible workaround by saving tax receipts to my Google Photo drive and adding the URL in the Notes section of the transactions.
I had been using another expense-reporting app in addition to GB in order to keep my tax receipts and transactions together, but that’s a hassle too. I may try this and see how it goes.

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I really wish there was an option for receipts as well