Added Bank Sync and now have duplicates

I just joined 3 days ago. I see your comment was placed in 6/24. Has it been resolved?

No, itā€™s terrible that they think this is acceptable.

No, and honestly Iā€™m not going back until I know 100% itā€™s fixed. I really would love this feature and will happily pay for it, but after it destroyed a years worth of tracking and work Iā€™m not risking it again.

Edit to tag Staff so they know this is still an issue.

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Would love to know which other apps you used that had the functionality to sync AND match and hopefully not create duplicates. I am seriously fed up with my upgrade and considering going back to plus or jumping ship altogether.

This is from a previous app that I used if you find You Need A Budget :wink:

I did move from this other app to Goodbudget and I honestly like Goodbudget but the bank sync implemented in this way will drive you nuts. Rolling back was hard and destroyed all the tracking I had done.
@karisa Itā€™s very odd that Manual importing bank transitions bring up a wonderful nice matching screen, but this already proven method wasnā€™t used with Bank Syncā€¦


They will start to lose clients. I am already looking around to change at the end of the year. Weā€™ve been here for a long time.

@karisa @becky , please confirm you received my email to downgrade to PLUS and let me know when that will take place. I would love for it to be done before the weekend.

Thank you.

Oy! We just downgraded. Starting over again is not an option as we have been GB for 6 years. @karisa , please check your email from me ASAP. This is disastrous!!

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Another random complaint.

The new Bank Sync isnā€™t able to use any of the ā€œEnvelopeā€ quick fills that are setup.

The company wanted to use Plaid. Soā€¦ They did. But they didnā€™t actually think about how their envelope users would use it. Plaid is the WRONG method to use for this. In order to properly use the envelope system, the new transactions need to be entered immediately. Otherwise, whatā€™s the point? I will reiterate, someone got a bee in their bonnet and wanted to use Plaid. This brilliant plan will lose my business and, from what I can tell, I wonā€™t be alone. Sadly, with Plaid being used by others, Iā€™m not sure how good the other systems will work because I believe Plaid is the problem.
FWIW, I just looked and the company does NOT appear to be offering the previous ā€œproā€ plan before this whole bank sync debacle. They really donā€™t care about this thread or the problems core uses like us (been a user since their first year) have encountered.

Sigh. Now to go clean up the mess thatā€™s in my envelops.

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Why would you solve this? It is not solved and as you can see more and more users are trying to use the premium and are very disappointed. You folks have lost your way to the initial point of envelopes and your methodology of budgeting. You are catering to the users who were never really budgeters and just want to track their spending. I think you jumped on the letā€™s take the mint customer train and dumped your tried and true budgeters.