Thanks for posting!
When you delete an account it does affect the available balance. As Goodbudgeter @kschedler shared on this forum thread, a great way to think about available is the equation: Available = Sum(Accounts) - Sum(Envelopes).
For example, if you have created an account with $50 (even if that is the incorrect balance), when you delete the account, the Available balance will automatically deduct $50. From here, there are two ways you can increase your available balance. You can either add new income or you can remove money from an envelope. If you decide to remove money from envelopes, then you will need to deduct amounts from various filled envelopes until your Available Balance reflects 0.
If you would like to do this, follow these steps:
- Click Fill Envelopes
- On Step 1 “Fill From” select “Available” tab
- On Step 2 deduct amounts from various envelopes by adding a “-” or minus sign with the amount you would like to deduct
- Look at Step 3 “Review and Save” to see the updated Available amount
- When the Available amount reflects 0, make sure to click the “Save” button
Hope this helps! And when it comes to budgeting it’s okay to be a little OCD