How to track multiple currencies?

We ran into this for our daughter, who lives in the US for part of the year but in the UK for uni.
Another option might be to set up new envelopes and a new account for the foreign currency. A single ATM style transfer probably wouldn’t be as useful for the long term, but you could leave your current envelopes intact and add some for your new host country. You can group envelopes too, so all the envelopes from each currency are together.
To fund your foreign account, I would do a miscellaneous deduction from your home account then add the equivalent as new income to your host account (instead of a transfer which wouldn’t account for the exchange rate), and budget in envelopes that are specific to each country.
The big drawback here is that your Unallocated funds will combine both currencies and the values won’t be equivalent, but if you don’t budget with your Unallocated much that’s not an issue. However, if you DO need that level of specificity, you could create annual or goal envelopes for each currency and transfer between envelopes (instead of doing Fills) to keep your Unallocated at zero.
That’s wordy, but I hope it helps!

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