Go to accounts page after reconcile

After reconciling an account, Goodbudget puts you into a page showing all the envelopes. I would like to go back to the accounts page. Is there anyway this can be changed, since am usually reconciling multiple accounts.

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I’ve often had the same thought. @alex and @karisa, can you guys add this to the request list please?

Thanks for the feedback. To clarify, do you mean you’d like to be returned to the Account Reconciliation screen where you select your Statement Date and Balance?

I can see why it would be helpful to go back to the Account Reconciliation screen where you can select a different account from the dropdown to reconcile if you reconcile multiple accounts.

For me, no. I’d like to go back to the Accounts page instead of Envelopes. Since that’s where I started, it seems like where I should return.

Gotcha gotcha, thanks for sharing that detail. We’ll add this request to our tracker and update this space if we make any changes!

Hi everyone, thanks for suggesting this change. I just wanted to post that, as of today, with Web Release 3.20, when you finish a Reconciliation and end up on the home page again, the tab that’s open on the left side of the screen should be Accounts and not Envelopes.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks! This will be much more intuitive :grin: